Sponsored by VFP Chapter 099
Saturday, October 1, 2011 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Simpson Lecture Room, A-B Tech, 340 Victoria Rd., Asheville, NC
~ Donations appreciated ~
Brock McIntosh is a student who is still in the National Guard pending his Conscientious Objection application. His views are his own and do not represent those of the Army National Guard or any other branch of the United States military. Brock had dreams of becoming a special forces medic until he started learning about the people and realities of Afghanistan, at which point he realized that the US military would never be capable of bringing peace - through force - to Afghanistan. Brock spoke in Asheville at Speaking Truth to Power: a permanent state of war on April 9, 2011.
Jacob George served in the Army Special Forces and completed three tours in Afghanistan. After leaving the Army, he briefly returned to school before selling all of his possessions and embarking on a bike tour, A Ride Till The End, with other veterans and supporters, speaking in schools, churches, and other community spaces about his transformation toward peace and reconciliation.
They recently returned to Afghanistan with a delegation from Voices for Creative Nonviolence where they joined forces with Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, who seek to encourage widescale, person-to-person relationships towards peace and reconciliation, with a resolute commitment to nonviolence, non-killing and the well-being of ALL people. We hope to Skype with them for live conversation.
They will be accompanied in Asheville by Russ Ritter, a well-known poet from the Ozarks, who is the 2003 Association of College Unions International (ACUI) National Poetry Slam Champion, 03-04 Ozark grand slam Champion, and 2004 Arkansas Poetry Slam first runner up and, Jerrad Hardin, an organizer with civilian/soldier alliance and the acting (civsol) regional coordinator for the SE United States. He has worked as a civilian ally to IVAW since the launching of their first campaign, Operation Recovery, in 2010.
This group of impassioned peacemakers will educate, enlighten, endear and entertain you with their stories, music and poetry.
Come meet them! YouΚΌll be glad you did!